Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Counselling is a confidential safe space just for you, there are some legal and ethical limits to confidentiality which we can talk about when we meet.

Any contact information you provide when reaching out regarding therapy (including the contact form on this site) is not used for any marketing purposes nor provided to any third party for use for marketing purposes. It is solely used for housekeeping matters such as to make appointments, arrange payment, client registration any/or follow up information.


Your confidentiality and privacy are very important. From 25th May 2018, under the General Data Protection Regulations, I am required by law to inform you how I keep safe the data you provide me and I how I hold this data.  I am also bound by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s code of ethics. I will never sell your data to any other individual, company or organisation for any purpose and I am required to gain your explicit consent to my holding your data in certain ways.

Your Data

I keep client data you provide so that I can work safely and professionally following the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. Under GDPR you have the right to know what client data I hold, why I hold it, and for how long I hold it. The therapy client data that I hold may include:

Your name and address
Your phone numbers and email addresses
An emergency contact’s name and phone number
Your GP name and contact details
Relevant medical information
Session notes
Payment information

You also have the right to view it, and to ask for changes to be made if it is incorrect. When sensitive data is to be destroyed, it will be shredded or deleted.

If I discover there has been a data breach of your personal information I am obligated to let you know. I keep your contact details in paper form in a locked filing cabinet and in electronic form on my PC and mobile.  My PC and phone are pass code protected. My professional liability insurer advise I keep your session notes for up to seven years.  After this time, they will be shredded

Emergency Contact Data

I keep this data secured in paper form along with your name and contact details. It is unlikely that I would ever use this information, but I hold it in case I become concerned for your welfare and I cannot get hold of you. You and I may agree together on some other reason that I might contact this person, based on your best welfare.
Your GP Contact Data
I keep this data securely in paper form along with your name and contact details. You and I may agree together on some reason that I might contact your GP, based on your best welfare, for example discussing diagnosis, treatment plan or safety procedures.

Medical Information

I keep this data securely in paper form along with your name and contact details. It may be relevant to share certain medical information when:
Your mental health history or diagnosis may inform my treatment plan to make it more appropriate for you
You take medication which may affect our work

Session Notes

I do not keep detailed session notes. Any notes kept are hand written and kept securely which may include dates and times of your attendance, bullet points on important themes discussed during each session. I may destroy all or part of any notes I do not consider necessary to retain.

Payment Data

I am required by law to retain certain financial information, primarily for tax purposes, and as advised by HMRC this is retained for seven years. Payments you make are input into an MS-Excel spreadsheet referenced by 1st name only.

Any Questions

If you have any other questions regarding how your therapy client data is used, please discuss this with me or contact me on